
The LEAP Podcast

Many are taught to keep your heads down and stay quiet. How do you lead in a society that says “speak up and be heard?” Sometimes that means taking a leap of faith, doing what hasn't been done and taking risks.

Listen in as The LEAP Podcast explores these and other life and leadership questions.

Season 3 spoon+fork Season 3 spoon+fork

Ep. 8 Season 3 Finale Interview with Min Jin Lee

We end our Season 3 podcast with a special finale episode with our esteemed guest, Min Jin Lee. This episode was streamed from our 2023 Leadership Awards Celebration, “Finding Our Way” where the theme was designed to highlight the accomplishments of those who have defied odds to protect their culture and identity, as well as ensure our stories are being authentically told and preserved.

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Season 3 spoon+fork Season 3 spoon+fork

Ep. 7 Part 2 Multi-racial identity

This episode is a continuation of exploring bi-racial identity. In this episode, our hosts interview Curtiss Takada Rooks, Ph.D., a critical race and ethnic studies scholar in Asian and Asian American Studies at Loyola Marymount University (LMU).

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Season 3 spoon+fork Season 3 spoon+fork

Ep. 7 Part 1 Multi-racial identity

Listen to this special 3 part episode with hosts Linda Akutagawa, LEAP President CEO and Dr. Yon Na, Organizational Psychologist as they interview Karla Thomas Deputy Director of Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC).

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Season 3 spoon+fork Season 3 spoon+fork

Ep. 6 Who Tells Our Stories: An Asian American lens

Tune in the LEAP Podcast Episode 6 with Linda Akutagawa, LEAP President CEO and Yon Na, organizational psychologist discuss with Center for Asian American Media(CAAM) Director of Media Don Young who is a longtime documentary production executive and advocate for Asian American storytelling.

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If in your culture, you are taught to keep your head down and stay quiet, how do you lead in a society that says speak up and be heard? Sometimes that means taking a leap of faith, doing what hasn't been done and taking risks. 

The LEAP Podcast explores these types of questions in the context of Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics. LEAP is a nonprofit organization and committed to developing people, informing society, and empowering communities.

Two Tami/my’s explore with fellow API leaders and allies about their journeys, leaps they have taken in life, and how at the end of the day, they stay faithful to their values and bring others along with them. API women have often been taught to shrink and silence themselves - but our collective voices are powerful and deserve to be heard on our terms. We are telling our stories for ourselves and for our communities.

About the Team

Hosts Tami Bui  (L) &  Tammy Tran (R)


Tammy Tran & Tami Bui

Tammy Tran and Tami Bui explore with fellow Asian American leaders and allies about their journeys, leaps taken in life, and how at the end of the day, they stay faithful to their values and help others to embrace their cultural identities along the way. Asian American women have often been taught to shrink and silence themselves - but their collective voices are powerful and deserve to be heard on their own terms. As the hosts, they  are telling their own stories as well as uplifting others to share their stories for our communities.

Podcast Producer & Editor

Catt Phan

Catt Phan was born in Vietnam, but immigrated with her family to the U.S. 20 years ago. Raised in Orange County by resilient women, she grew up in equality and income disparities that strengthened her resolve to advocate for marginalized communities.

About the Producer

LEAP (Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics) is a national, nonprofit organization founded in 1982 with a mission to achieve full participation and equality for Asian and Pacific Islanders (APIs) through leadership, empowerment, and policy to support a vision of diverse leaders shaping communities for the benefit of all.  LEAP works to achieve its vision and mission by:  Developing People, because leaders are made not born; Informing Society, because leaders know the issues; and Empowering Communities, because leaders are grounded in strong, vibrant communities. Guided by the philosophy: “Keep Your Values. Develop New Skills.®”, LEAP is focused on “uncapping talent” and filling the pipeline with Asian and Pacific Islander leaders across all sectors. The LEAP Podcast explores questions of leadership in the context of Asian and Pacific Islander life, work and community.