LEAP Impact
Applications for 2024-2025 are now closed!
Target Audience
Leadership Development for Nonprofit Staff
The LEAP Impact Program is a dynamic and immersive cohort learning experience designed to empower Asian and Pacific Islander, nonprofit leaders through culturally responsive workshops, frameworks, and community building. This program applies the LEAP Leadership Framework to the nonprofit leadership experience and informs the programmatic design behind the content. Throughout this three-part program, participants will engage in various skill and knowledge building activities, reflective practices, meaningful dialogue, personal growth, and executive coaching.
LEAP Impact is designed to create and strengthen connections among participants, community members, and LEAP alumni, with the intention of fostering a robust sense of belonging. By emphasizing these strategic connections, LEAP aims to cultivate a supportive network that nurtures a long-term and sustainable approach to building a collective future that our nonprofit leaders work toward.
Mid-to-senior-level, full-time, nonprofit staff and managers with 2+ years working at a nonprofit organization looking to enhance or further develop their leadership skills.
Participants must be able to commit to all three parts to be accepted into the program.
Additional Questions?
Program Highlights
Culturally Responsive Learning Environment
A supportive and tailored learning environment that centers Asian and Pacific Islander leaders in the nonprofit sector
Networking and Collaboration
Structured and unstructured opportunities to build community and collaboration with like-minded individuals
Real World Nonprofit Issues
Examine real world nonprofit issues in a spirit of confidentiality and engagement with colleagues who face similar challenges
Inspiration and Energy
A dynamic and energizing experience that revitalizes passion and fosters new enthusiasm for learning and growth
One-on-One Executive Coaching
Six executive coaching sessions that will center individual leadership growth and goals
Professional and Personal Growth
An intentional focus on both the professional and personal sides of leadership

“This is an incredibly valuable program that will take you on a personal and professional journey with a cohort of like minded individuals. You'll learn, unlearn, and re-learn tools and skills that will be with you for months and years to come.”
2021-2022 Impact Participant
2024-2025 Program
Part I: The Foundational Component
December 11-12, 2024
A two-day, virtual leadership retreat week where the cohort will build a community that emphasizes vulnerable trust. Throughout the two days, participants will engage in a series of interactive and culturally responsive workshops, activities, and protocols that will elicit constructive discourse with like-minded individuals. LEAP's unique approach to leadership development emphasizes how Asian and Pacific Islander identity and cultural values influence how APIs show up in spaces, how folks perceive APIs, and how all that ties into leadership.
Part II: The Cultivation Component
January 8, 15, 22, 2025
February 12, 19, 26, 2025
March 5, 2025
The second part of the LEAP Impact Program features six different modules, ranging from alumni panels, workshops, speakers, and peer discussions. With support from the LEAP team and facilitators, participants are also set up for their executive coaching sessions within Part II. Each of these aspects are designed with the intention of leveraging self discovery, coaching, and tapping into the vast and unique network that is LEAP.
Part III: The Renewal
March 19-21, 2025
Washington, DC
A three-day, in-person reconvening, structured to assess and celebrate participant growth and learning. Participants will connect with their cohort through engaging skill-building modules, meaningful and relevant conversations, and action planning. Themes in the final part of the LEAP Impact Program include continued community building, healing, collective change, and celebrating growth with the intention of inspiring our community nonprofit leaders driving change.
Upon acceptance to this program, your program fee will be based on your organization's budget and size and an invoice will be emailed to you.
See below for the sliding scale:
Fee A: $499,999 or less → $500
Fee B: $500,000 – $999,999 → $1,000
Fee C: $1,000,000 – $2,999,999 → $2,000
Fee D: $3,000,000 - $9,999,999 → $3,500
Fee E: $10,000,000+ → $5,000
The program fee includes workbook materials, roundtrip airfare, shared lodging, most meals, and six executive coaching sessions. Availability of scholarships depends on program funding and does not guarantee their availability.
Chingcha Vang
Senior Program Manager
(323) 572-5992
Lauren Kojima
Program Coordinator
(213) 631-6980

I am interested in applying for 2025-2026 LEAP Impact!
“It is a commitment that can change and positively impact your life. You will do a lot of self reflection and connecting with others and learn a lot about yourself. You will meet dedicated people focused on helping you grow and succeed and many other leaders who are facing similar challenges to you that can offer unique and helpful support and insights. You will join a new family and community!”
2021-2022 Impact Participant

“LEAP taught me that the best way to be a leader is to be yourself.”
Mayta Lor, LEAP ’14
Leadership development from an Asian and Pacific Islander cultural lens.
LEAP’s programs are uniquely focused on leadership development that accounts for the values and culture of a Asians and Pacific Islanders. Participants will expand and strengthen their individual leadership skills as well as contribute to the growth and advancement of their organizations.